Paediatric Care
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine treat babies and young children too!
Usually, the younger the patient the faster the result. Once children get used to it, it’s no worse than any other form of medicine – and very effective.
Also, there are few if any side-effects, unlike with medication. It is also much less ‘suppressive’. (For more on what we mean by suppressive, click on ‘What is Suppression’.)
For many patients, and certainly for babies and children we often use homoeopathic remedies like the following:
Jonathan often uses homoeopathic remedies for children. It takes time and experience to identify the right remedy (medicine) but when you get it right, it can lead to huge health benefits for many years.
If you suspect your child has ADD/ADHD, have a look at my page on how Chinese medicine approaches the question.